My little son Jayden is turning 3 this year and has been begging for a bike. Well, bikes aren't exactly cheap, especially since he doesn't want a "baby bike", he wants a "real bike"!
In order to make a bit more cash to buy him a bike, I started looking through some closets and boxes of mine to see what I had stashed away. Would you believe I still had some unopened wedding presents from 3.5 years ago?? Wow. Well, I sold those, and a few other things I found around my house. I found pretty candles that I never burn, kitchen accessories that I haven't ever used, and even a foot spa that I used maybe 3 or 4 times. I sold each of those things and came out with $25.
I looked around the second hand stores and kept watching on kijiji, and finally, I found a bike for $12! How great is that?! I got the bike and I had enough left over to buy a new tire tube for the one flat tire it had. Perfect!
I still need to get him a helmet, but I'm not too worried yet, he's still so young that I don't think he'll be riding on or even near the road until next summer. For now, he just likes to look at his bike and sit on it proudly.
Today I sorted through the kids toys and found that we seriously have way too many! Instead of selling them though, I will be giving some away for free to families who have much less than we do. I could sell them for a few bucks and still make someone happy, but I'd rather make myself way happier by being generous.
Are you spring cleaning? If you find things that you haven't used (or even seen) in awhile, sell them! Making a few bucks here and there can really add up. It may not be very much cash, but I got a great little bike second hand. I'm sure that bike will get used WAY more than that foot spa ever did.