Kijiji is a free classified ads site, which you can set to view only ads in your area.
I've found many deals on Kijiji, in their free section and throughout the rest of the site, but most recently, I have found another interesting way to get what I want for less money. Kijiji offers an option for you to post ads for the things you are hoping to find. Instead of checking the site every day for what you are looking for, you can simply post a wanted ad, and see if anyone replies!
In the last two weeks, I posted ads for dressy shoes and a bathing suit for my daughter. In both ads, I specified my budget, (up to a max of $5 for each item) and wrote what I was hoping to find.
For example, I wrote:
I am looking for nice girl's black dressy shoes, toddler size 5. I am not willing to pay over $5. They don't have to be in perfect condition, but I am hoping for something she can wear out to some upcoming special events. Will pick-up in the Edmonton area.
I had a few replies and was able to find a beautiful pair of shoes for $4!!

I was successful in my search for kids items as well. I purchased 2 bathing suits, one in my daughter's size, and one in the next size up, for $2 each! For my son, I found a suit (pants, dress shirt, vest, and coat) for $10, and a pair of winter boots for $3.
If you post a wanted ad, someone is likely to see it and think, "gee, I think I might even have that boxed away. I might as well get some cash out of the deal!" Most of the people who respond to a wanted ad haven't ever really thought of selling their item, and are therefor not set on obtaining the highest dollar possible for what they sell. Stating your budget in the ad will help people too know whether it's worth it to them to reply.
On a site like Kijiji, you have to remember that you may have to be patient, and possibly re-post your ad before you will get what you want. At times, you'll have an answer immediately, but sometimes it takes awhile for your ad to be read by the right person with the right deal on the right item.
The other side of Kijiji want ads is that you can find things that people want, and sell it to them! You may have never thought of selling that box of old Christmas ornaments until someone specifically asks if anyone has any for sale. Clean out your clutter, make a buck, and help another person get an excellent deal!
It's a winning situation for everyone. (And if it's not, you can just refuse the offer or sale!)
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