Here's a tip for all you moms out there who have walked through the boutiques and farmers markets and have seen those adorable crochet headbands with the big beautiful flowers on them. They look simply adorable on babies and toddlers, and when you borrow the flower clips and slip them into your own hair, they become elegant instead of adorable!
If you've seen the price tags on those things, you might think that paying $6 for a headband with a flower isn't too bad. I've got news for you... I purchased 50 headbands (several colors were included in the lot) and 50 matching flowers for $25. I gave away about 15 sets as baby shower gifts, and kept about 10 sets for my own daughter, and then I sold the remaining 25 sets for $30 on kijiji!
Now don't get me wrong, that was a fabulous deal, but it wasn't an extremely rare deal. If you go onto Ebay and type "Baby Headband Flower" into the search bar, I guarantee that you will find an assortment of those cute hair accessories. If you add the word "lot" to the end of that search, you will find the wholesale prices. Most of these are shipped from China or somewhere else in Asia, and a lot of them are shipped for free, or for a very low cost. Click here to try it.
The photo above was taken from an Ebay vendor. Click here to be directed to their site.
Sometimes you have to look through a few pages of ebay items before you find the hidden gems. If you are into those sorts of things, Ebay can be a valuable tool to save money!
If you are really the crafty type, you can purchase the headbands separately, purchase the little clips and some ribbon, and make your own! Yes, you can even sell them! I personally do not have the time or space to keep them and make my own, but it's a great idea.
If you really find a good deal, you can always do what I did. Buy a whole bunch, save some for gifts, and sell the rest of them to someone on kijiji and make money on the deal. The lady who purchased the bag of 25 sets from me still got a fantastic deal! 25 headbands and matching flowers for $30 is still far less, FAR LESS, than she'd pay at the cute little shops that offer the very same things. I didn't feel bad at all for "ripping her off" because I certainly didn't! I took the effort to track them down and purchase them, and then wait for them to come in the mail. That is worth something too, and I was pleased to be able to make back my money with a $5 extra tip.
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