Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Couponing in Canada

Alright, so for a long time I have believed that it is virtually impossible to do couponing in Canada.  Yes, I could save a buck or two for each grocery trip, but really, is that worth it?  And I'd probably be buying the higher priced stuff anyways, where I could just use the store brand and save more!!

I used to think that. 

Then I came across http://www.frugaledmontonmama.com.  She helps people get free groceries over and over again!!!  She claims that with her course, (only $12 for the e-course) she can teach you how to reduce your grocery bill by up to 90%!!!  I think it's time I take the course.

With some tips from her site, I'm armed and ready to go get some nearly free Huggies diapers.  If I could do nothing else but get my diaper costs reduced, I would save hundreds of dollars a year. 

I will let you know how it goes... and I'll let you know when I decide to take the course.  I may take her in-class course, which is more expensive, because I want to be able to ask questions- or even interrogate!!  ...Nicely of course.  :D

Check out the site for yourself, you might be pretty surprised at all the deals to be found here in our own city!

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