Saturday, October 22, 2011

Huggies Diapers - $16 off!!!

So I did it!!! 

I bought a $20 pack of diapers for $4.04.  How?  Armed with 4 coupons and a Zellers flyer, I made my way to London Drugs.  I was admittedly pretty nervous, wondering if this could work!  I was so nervous that I totally forgot to step into Superstore and pick up my fifth coupon which would have brought the price down to $2.02. 

I went and found the diapers that I wanted, and went to the customer service desk.  I used the Zellers flyer to price match the diapers from $20.99 down to $9.99.  Then I set out the coupons.  I must have looked like a total coupon amateur  as I sat there nervously watching the clerk read through the coupons.  She scanned them and said, "That's $4.04 please." 

I tried to act all casual, but inside I was literally leaping and dancing, screaming, "IT WORKED!!!"  I had visions of myself dancing through some flowery meadow, receipt in one hand, diapers in the other, cash still left safely in my wallet.

I paid, and then left the store before my excitement came bursting out through my skin. 

I am hooked.  I purchased a couponing how-to guide for $12.99, and just saved $16 in one single transaction.  I am so excited, if I can save money on diapers alone, I will be saving around $40 a month, if not more! 

So my dear readers, if you want to start saving some big money, take a peek into the world of couponing.  Not just using a coupon here and there, but look into actually figuring out the system and how you get stuff for free or at a very low price!

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