Thursday, January 27, 2011

Produce Deals (Edmonton)

This is a grocery tip specifically for those in the Edmonton, Alberta area. 

H & W Produce is my favorite place to find some great deals on fresh fruits and vegetables.  The prices are almost always considerably less than Superstore or Safeway, and most of their produce is just as good in quality.  I say most because though we've had incredible luck with apples, oranges, carrots, potatoes, and a few other things, I find that their bananas are usually very green (and never ripen very well), and their lettuce tends to go bad quickly. 

Thankfully, I live within a few minutes of one of these stores, and find that even though some things spoil easily, I can make a trip to this store every week and be just fine.

It always amazes me that I fill my grocery cart full of fresh fruits and veggies, and then when I go to the checkout, they say, "$25 please".  The deals are really incredible!! 

Last week, I got apples for $0.57 / lb, and a 10lb bag of potatoes for just over $2.  I bought several large bags of apples, peeled them, chopped them, and froze them!  I used one frozen bag already to make a nice apple crisp. 

You can check out H & W's current special deals at:

Even if you don't live near Edmonton, you may be able to find a small discount produce store near your home.  You'll probably find, as I did, that things aren't always as high quality as they may be from higher end grocery stores, but as long as you use them quickly, they sure do save you money.

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